Skin Classic Non-Laser Treatment


Award-winning laser alternative.

This Direct High Frequency non-laser electrical current dehydrates superficial layers of the particular skin condition in order to allow new healthy skin to grow in its place.

Treatment are quick, and barely touch the skin. The Skin Classic treatments can be performed on the face, neck, chest, back, hands and arms! THIS SERVICE INCLUDES: Consultation and treatment.

Is there any down time? There is some downtime for healing. Some irritation as well as redness and some crusting may form on treated areas. When the Skin Classic probe comes into contact with the epidermis, it will leave a little ding. After the treatment, the irregularity will produce an epidermal crust that looks like a scab-like crust over the treated area. This will fall off on its own within 5-10 days. During the healing process you can wear makeup, but be very careful to not prematurely remove the crust/scab while cleansing the skin. After the crust/scab sloughs off, the skin may look pinkish or brownish for up to 6-8 weeks as the new skin goes through the complete healing cycle and re-melanizes. After treatment you will be sent home with aftercare instructions.

Treatment Cost
Skin Classic Treatment 1-2 small irregularities $50
Skin Classic Treatment 15 minutes $75
Skin Classic Treatment 30 minutes $150
Skin Classic Treatment 60 minutes $300

Skin Classic treats the following conditions:

Skin Tag Treatment
A skin tag is a small benign tumor that primarily forms in areas where the skin creases, such as the neck, armpit, and groin. Sometimes they may also appear on the eyelids or other areas of the face. These are harmless and typically painless, and do not grow or change over time. Skin tags can be large, sometimes up to a half inch long, but are most commonly about the size of a grain of rice. The surface can range from smooth to rough. They can become irritated by shaving, clothing, or jewelry. Common causes are weight gain, genetics, diabetes, and pregnancy. They are also more common in women than men. *All areas may not be able to be treated *More than one session may be needed no sooner than 30 days (the skin healing cycle)
Sebaceous Hyperplasia Treatment
Sebaceous Hyperplasia is a disorder of the oil glands and is a common, benign condition most commonly found in adults of middle age or older. These lesions can be single or multiple and appear as a yellow, soft, small papule on the face. They are round and the oil surrounds the pore giving it a "donut-like" appearance. Typically these occur on the nose, cheeks, and forehead. Occasionally, sebaceous hyperplasia appears on the chest or other parts of the body as well. *More than one session may be needed no sooner than 30 days (the skin healing cycle)
Cherry Angioma Treatment
Cherry Angiomas are small clusters of capillaries at the surface of the skin that form a small round dome, orpapule, which is often flat topped. The color typically ranges from bright red to purple. When they first begin to appear, they are almost flat and appear as small red dots. These dots can grow over time up to a centimeter or more in some cases. Larger cherry angiomas may be thick and raised. These are found in various areas of the face and body and are typically caused by aging, pregnancy, genetics, and excessive sun exposure. *More than one session may be needed no sooner than 30 days (the skin healing cycle)
Cholesterol Deposit / Xanthomas Treatment
Cholesterol deposits, also known as xanthomas, are fatty deposits that develop under the skin. Although they can occur anywhere on the body, the most commonly build up around the eyes and vary in size. *More than one session may be needed no sooner than 30 days (the skin healing cycle)
Seborrheic Keratosis
A seborrheic keratosis is a non-cancerous (benign) skin. tumor that originates from cells in the outer layer of the epidermis, also known as keratinocytes. Like liver spots, seborrheic keratoses are seen more often as people age. These lesions can be slightly elevated and have a waxy or scaly appearance like a scab from a wound. They can appear round of oval, ranging from very small to more than one inch in size. These growths can appear in various colors, ranging from light tan to black, and have been often described as having a "pasted on" appearance. Seborrheic keratoses are commonly found on the face, chest, shoulders, and back. Although typically painless, they can become irritated from clothing or jewelry that causes friction. While seborrheic keratosis is non-cancerous, basal cell carcinoma can sometimes be found in the same location and sometimes can progress into basal cell carcinoma. *More than one session may be needed no sooner than 30 days (the skin healing cycle)
Brown spots
Brown Spots, or Lentigo, are small pigmented spots that occur on the skin and have a clearly defined edge, surrounded by skin that appears normal. These are benign and restricted to the cell layer directly above the deepest membrane of the epidermis, which is where the melanocytes that make up these spots normally reside. Unlike freckles, these will stay stable in their color regardless of sunlight exposure. The most common, benign, sun induced lesion is a solar lentigo (actinic lentigo, senile lentigo, sun spot, liver spot). They occur in sun exposed areas appearing on the face, arms, tops of hands, and chest. The spots are typically smaller than 5mm in diameter and can be flat or depressed and may be split by fine wrinkles. The lesions are usually brown in color and may range from yellow-tan to black. Older lesions are often darker brown or black and can slowly increase in number and in size. It is most commonly found in individuals aged 30-50 years old. Increased exposure to sun and artificial sources of UV light can cause these to appear at an even younger age. *More than one session may be needed no sooner than 30 days (the skin healing cycle)
Treatment for Telangiectasia~ Broken Capillaries
Broken capillaries are small dilated blood vessels near the surface of the skin or mucous membranes. They can develop anywhere on the body but are commonly seen on the face around the nose, cheeks, chin, and chest. They can be caused by environmental damage such as sun or cold exposure and may increase as we age. Trauma to the skin such a contusions and surgical procedures are also a factor as well as radiation therapy. The skin classic thermally vaporize these tiny capillaries usually in one treatment, however, in the case of many capillaries the client may require a second treatment no sooner than 30 days (the skin healing cycle).
Numbing $25
Add on numbing is recommended for larger areas and when treating sensitive areas. This will add an additional 15-30 minutes to your treatment time. If you do not add this service at the time of schedule, I may not have time to numb the area being treated.


Before & After


It is important to understand that we do not diagnose these irregularities. We strongly advise you to have your doctor examine any spot that is questionable and confirm what type of irregularity is it. We will not treat moles, melasma , any irregularity with blood supply or lesions that we feel is not safe to do so.
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Any dermatological disorders in the area treating, Pacemaker, Pregnancy, Lupus, Accutane users even after 6 month post meds.

Following the procedure, it is recommended that you use a gentle cleanser twice a day, in addition to moisturizer and sunblock for positive healing. No harsh products should be used until the skin is smooth and free of redness, clients will develop a crust, reddened area or even a furrow like track within 24-36 hours. The crust or erythema areas should shed within 7-14 days. Complete healing may take 30 days or longer. Concealer/makeup that is applied with a clean applicator can be applied to the affected area 24 hours post-treatment. Please contact the spa with any questions or concerns following your treatment.