How do our face muscles affect skin appearance?

  • Facial muscles uniquely attach to other muscles and the skin, originating from the skull and inserting on the skin's surface. These mimetic muscles reflect emotions, influencing the relationship between facial expression, tension, and stress, which can affect skin appearance. Tight or tense facial muscles, as well as slack or under-toned ones, can impact blood flow, circulation, and skin quality, potentially accelerating skin changes.

What is Intraoral Buccal massage?

  • Intraoral massage, or intraoral buccal massage, is a specialized technique performed by a trained therapist using sterile gloves. It involves manipulating facial muscles both inside and outside the mouth. This technique aims to provide intense relaxation and enhance facial appearance, helping to strengthen, tone, and sculpt the face while reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It serves as a non-invasive alternative to procedures like Botox, fillers, and facelifts.

What are the key results and benefits of Intraoral Buccal face massage?

  • Intraoral face massage targets facial muscles that are not accessible through conventional external techniques.

Benefits include:

  • Facilitates lymphatic drainage to clear fluid buildup, reducing puffiness and metabolic waste for firmer, more toned skin.

  • Promotes a lifted and sculpted appearance.

  • Supports bones by increasing oxygen and blood flow, nourishing the area, and reducing tension and inflammation around bone and skull sutures.

  • Accesses facial muscles and joint cavities not reachable from the external face area alone.

  • Releases tension and adhesions from facial muscles, allowing improved blood flow, oxygenation, and energy circulation.

  • Relaxes stress patterns, retraining muscles and promoting optimal facial muscle posture.

  • Helps reduce fine lines and wrinkles by relaxing facial muscles.

  • Stimulates underdeveloped muscles to tone and plump the complexion.

  • Unwinds bound fascia and relieves tension throughout the face.

  • Smoothens and calms stiffness in the forehead, diminishing lines.

  • Releases tension and fine lines around the mouth and lips.

  • Utilizes targeted techniques to relieve tension from the masseter muscle, preventing an overly square jaw appearance due to muscle overdevelopment.

  • Relieves TMJ (temporomandibular joint) and surrounding muscle tension.

    Collectively, these effects can contribute to a younger, stronger, and healthier appearance for your face.

How often should you get an Intraoral Buccal facial massage?

  • For the best results, we recommend five sessions over seven weeks. After that initial period, a monthly visit is ideal for maintenance. Massage is cumulative, similar to working out; consistency is key to building on results. This routine can effectively slow down the aging process and reduce the need for more invasive procedures in the future. In some cases, regular massages can even replace or enhance other treatments.

How long does it take to see results?

  • Results are immediate after just one buccal sculptural massage. Consistent treatments can lead to more significant changes in bone structure and facial shaping over time.

Is Buccal massage painful?

  • The process is generally pain-free, though sensations can vary based on the tension held in the jaw. It’s more about a feeling of release. Individuals with significant tension, TMJ, or those who clench or grind their teeth may initially feel some discomfort, but it should never be painful.

What does the inner mouth Buccal face massage feel like?

  • The Inner Mouth Buccal Face Massage involves an intentional "mini workout" applied to each facial muscle during the treatment. It is a deep yet soothing massage that often induces a theta relaxed state in clients, making it ideal for receiving restorative and healing benefits, as the nervous system becomes more receptive. The treatment is generally relaxing and promotes a sense of calm.
    Some clients may initially experience significant tension, similar to a "hurt-so-good" deep tissue massage, during the first 1-2 treatments.

Can anyone get Buccal facial massages?

  • Yes, but with certain limitations. It is advisable to wait at least three weeks after receiving Botox or fillers to prevent displacement. Individuals with acne-prone skin should proceed with caution, as the massage may stimulate not only the muscles and fluids but also the sebaceous glands, potentially exacerbating inflammation.

What are the benefits of Buccal face massage for jaw and TMJ concerns?

  • The masseter muscle is the strongest muscle in the body, and jaw clenching is a common stress response. Over time, the masseter and other facial muscles can accumulate significant stress due to muscle and fascia memory, leading to pain, tension, headaches, and potential damage to the teeth. Chronic tension can affect the skin's appearance and contribute to the overdevelopment of the masseter muscles, impacting jaw shape. Tight masseter muscles can also cause soreness in the jawbone, often felt around the temporomandibular joint (TMJ).

What are the therapeutic benefits of Buccal face massage?

  • The Inner Mouth Buccal Face Massage offers both aesthetic and psycho-emotional benefits. It can help alleviate emotional and physical tension stored in the body, which may manifest as tension, illness, or disease. This massage addresses the intertwined emotional and physical tension in the face and head that can result from chronic teeth grinding, jaw clenching, or headaches, providing relief through a non-conventional approach.

What are the contraindications for Intraoral Buccal massage?

  • Contraindications for Buccal massage include active acne, open lesions, inflamed skin conditions (such as eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis), lymphatic pathologies, recent plastic surgery, ongoing cancer treatment, and recent injectables.

Does Intraoral Buccal face massage have side effects?

  • After a session, it is common to feel deeply relaxed, but your facial muscles may feel a bit fatigued. Depending on the level of tension prior to the treatment, you may experience soreness, aching, or tenderness in your face or jaw.